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Revised 7/2015

Revised 12/2019

Article I --  Club Name

This is a radio controlled flying club known as the, "Liberty Flyers", of Petaluma flying out of Liberty Field in Petaluma, California.

Article II--  Purpose

The purpose of this club is to promote the sport of model aviation and to establish and maintain a flying field for the members. (Revised 12/2019)

Article III – Membership (Revised 12/2019)

A. AMA membership is required.

B. Dues are paid annually and due by January 1.  Field maintenance fee is a one time payment.  Dues and maintenance fee amounts will be set by the Members Committee. (Revised 12/2019)

C. Membership is governed by the  "Members  Committee" .

D. Any member may resign their membership at any time by giving written notice to the Members Committee.  No refunds allowed unless approved by the Members Committee.

E. If any member ceases to have the qualifications necessary for membership in the club their membership shall be terminated as determined by the Members Committee.  No refunds allowed unless approved by the Members Committee.

F.  The membership will be open to all AMA members without any membership limits unless limited by a vote of the Members Committee.  Limiting the membership would only be considered as a result of overcrowding at the field (Revised 12/2019)   

Article IV

A. Officers -- 


Vice President,



Safety Officer.

B. Terms of office -- Elected annually.

C. Duties – (Revised 12/2019)

President –

The President shall preside at all meetings and make decisions concerning the club as needed.  These decisions are ones that are not otherwise limited in this document or given to the Membership Committee.

The president will also be a member of the Membership committee.

The President shall maintain communication with the AMA and forward all relevant messages from AMA to the club members.

The President shall maintain the membership records and provide this to AMA annually or when membership changes.

The President shall provide AMA with the latest By-Laws and field rules when changes are made.

Vice President –

The Vice President shall assist the President in his duties. The Vice President will assume the duties of the president if the president becomes unable to perform his duties.

The Vice-President shall be a member of the Members Committee.

Treasurer –

The Treasurer shall handle all club funds. The Treasurer shall provide an accounting of the club financials for each all-members meeting or as requested by the Membership Committee.

The Treasurer will pay all re-occurring bills such as rent, AMA fees, insurance  and porta-potty pumping without the need for a second signature.

Other checks written for amounts over $500 will require a second signature of either the President or Vice President.

The Treasurer shall be a member of the Members Committee.

Secretary –

The Secretary shall record minutes at each club members meeting or Membership Committee meeting.  The Secretary shall create an electronic copy of the minutes to the members of the Members Committee. 

The Secretary shall be a member of the Members Committee.

Safety Officer –

The Safety Office will handle all safety matters  pertaining to the club. The Safety Officer will insure that all AMA and club field rules are posted at the field.

The Safety Officer will insure that a working fire extinguisher is available at the field.

The Safety Officer will document any injuries that occur at the field and provide this record to the Members Committee.

The Safety Officer shall be a member of the Members Committee.

D. Vacancies -- 

Shall be filled by a vote in the Members Committee.

Article V -- Members Committee (Revised 12/2019)

A. This committee shall consist of the club officers plus 2 other members of the club.  These 2 members will be appointed by the President.

B. This committee will govern by a majority vote for membership issues, violation of rules, grievance and other items pertaining to the club. 

C. This committee will set the amount required for annual members dues and new member one time field maintenance fees.

D.  This committee shall investigate and propose improvements to the field.  Major improvements to the field (greater than $2000) must be approved by a vote of the members via eMail.

E.  This committee shall authorize expenses for normal maintenance of the field. (less than $2000)

Article VI --  Meetings

The Membership Committee will meet as necessary to manage the business of the club.  A quorum of 4 will be required for the Membership Committee to meet and exercise their duties. If a vote is required and a quorum is not present, the absent members may vote by eMail.

The club general members meeting can meet at whatever frequency is deemed as necessary by the Membership Committee but at least once a quarter.

Article VII --  Nominations & Elections (Revised 12/2019)

A. Nominations will be held in November. Members Nominated for Office must submit their name to the Members Committee for approval from the Members Committee before November 15th.  This will allow time for review prior to elections in December.

B. Elections for club officers will be held in December.

C. Election results will be decided by a vote of the members at the December meeting if only one name is on the ballot. If more than one name is on the ballot, election results will be decided by a majority vote of all members using e-mail. (Revised7/2015)

Article VIII -- Amendments

These By-Laws can only be amended by an eMail vote sent to all members.  A majority of all members who respond to the eMail vote is required to approve the changes.

Article IX -- Grievance procedure

Grievance procedure will be governed by the Members Committee.

Article X  --  Dissolution of Club

The club shall be dissolved by a 2/3 vote of the all members.

Revised 12/2019                           

Revised  7/2/2015

Original Dated :  1/15/2009                                                       

Liberty Flyers of Petaluma

821 Holly Avenue, Rohnert Park, California, 94928

(707) 321-2704 


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